Now is the time for organizations to reimagine, recalibrate and reinvent the way they work and do business.

Workplace Consulting

The Thriving Workplace is an opportunity to build a new, more resilient environment that supports the whole person—the personal, the communal, the mental and the physical.

The Thriving Workplace is a more humanistic and resilient workplace, one that leverages a multi-layered ecosystem of work and the power of design to create opportunities to facilitate conversation, togetherness and a sense of belonging.

In conjunction with your team, Burovision and our strategic partners will bring forward thought leadership and ideation to produce the best results for approach, plan and strategy.

We know that an early engagement strategy, backed by a tested process, are critical to understanding, aligning and meeting customer objectives.

By following the proven Synergy360° framework, we uniquely uncover what really matters to each customer to ensure we get it right—from the start.

  • Renzo Fraraccio, Burovision CEO

DORIS and Burovision

Burovision partners with DORIS Research to help organizations imagine their future workplace. DORIS is an acronym for Design Oriented Research for Impactful Solutions. DORIS offers three distinct services: Research, Readiness and Reflection.

The DORIS research team will guide an organization from its first thoughts about changing the workplace, all the way through to communicating the changes happening, working with employees to establish the best ways to use the new workplace, and assessing the success of the final result.

We spend a lot of time designing the bridge, but not enough time thinking about the people who are crossing it.

  • Dr. Prabhjot Singh, Director of Systems Design, Earth Institute
What DORIS does
DORIS uses a design-thinking process with proprietary tools to engage people from all levels of an organization to collect data about the physical space today and leverage it for future solutions.
How DORIS does it
People are at the very core of DORIS research. DORIS engages leadership and stakeholders in interviews, usability studies, ideation, and prototyping sessions.
What DORIS brings
Organizations receive individualized actionable solutions that they can take forward into the next phases of their process as well as the unique opportunity to include everyone in the process.

Knoll Research and Engagement Tools

Knoll has a long history of working with clients to create inspired spaces. To support that work, here are a few of the tools and recourses for workplace engagements.

Evolving Workplace Trends and Industry Updates

Knoll conducts research on work, the workforce and the modern workplace. Knoll team members may present or provide recent research and trends on the workplace to your organization so that relevant internal teams are armed with the latest information to support planning activities.

Research Presentations and Materials

Through research, Knoll explores the connection between workspace design and human behaviour, health and performance and the quality of the user experience. We share what we learn via white papers, infographics and presentations.

Visioning Workshops

A knoll facilitator helps group members brainstorm ideas for aligning their work environment with your desired company culture.

Business or High Education Drivers for Change Work Session

These sessions gather perspectives from multiple constituents within a group to build awareness and alignment around organizational goals for workplace transformation.

Spectrum Mapping Workshop

The Knoll Spectrum Map is used to explore a range perspectives and opinions around your current state (where it is now) and future state (where it wants to be) work environments.

Keep, Toss, Create Exercise

This interactive session facilitates thoughtful consideration of spaces, technology, resources and processes that support workplace change, in addition to driving alignment, the cross-communication between teams can be a spark for innovation and improved team engagement.

Characteristics of Culture Activity

Facilitated by Knoll, this session promotes lively discussion regarding aspects of your organization’s current culture that the group wishes to retain and characteristics of organizational culture the group seeks to create or add.

Furniture Consulting

Build your thriving workplace

30+ years
of Customer

Trusted Guide

We understand that customers rely on trusted strategic partners to help guide their business. Burovision will be that partner to navigate the evolving workplace and create dynamic workspaces that cultivate innovation and creativity.

We work with integrity, insight, diligence, and follow a roadmap for ongoing knowledge and skills development.

Getting it Right

We are a team of professionals with deep industry experience that understand how to create workspaces that will offer structure, sociability, independence and flexibility.

We work at a local, national or global level to deliver an excellent experience for projects ranging from 5-500k square feet.

As an extension of your Project Team, we advise and manage all stages of the project life cycle.

Beyond the Project

As your project transitions into a thriving workplace, we commit to maintaining the integrity of your investment.

We will be there to provide ongoing support for additional customer needs including reconfiguration, cleaning and installation sweeps.


align with your key objectives

source collections through our wide network

ensure value optimization

procure through trusted partners

guarantee cost certainty

meet schedule

stand by our quality

execute and respect sustainable practices

Building the Thriving Workplace

Knoll research suggests we are on the brink of transformative change. The Thriving Workplace is an opportunity to build a new, more humanistic environment that powers the workplace ecosystem, delivers a cultural hub, embraces flexibility, offers a variety of choice, leverages technology and encompasses holistic well-being. These six elements define The Thriving Workplace.

Powers the workplace ecosystem

The Thriving Workplace is more than simply the office; it is the heart of the organization. It powers a complex and expanded ecosystem that gives employees the flexibility to work from headquarters, a satellite office, home, a coworking space or even from a third space—like a café or on the road.

Delivers a cultural hub

Today’s workplace goes beyond accountability and efficiency–humans are social beings who long for connection. The Thriving Workspace is designed with visual cues that effectively bring teams together—for brainstorming, problem-solving, learning, idea exchange and knowledge-sharing.

Embraces flexibility

Today’s workplaces need to be agile, resilient and easily adaptable over time. Adopting a furniture-as-architecture approach provides flexible space planning solutions that allow employees to change their spaces to adapt to their needs and shape their own experiences.

Offers a variety of choice

Companies need to create a free flow of space that gives employees a landscape of choice of where and when to work. Developing spaces that align with employees’ needs and personality is key. Through proper space delineation and furniture selections, collaborative environments can be supplemented with more intimate spaces for teams who need time alone to create well-rounded thoughts, ideas and creations.

Leverages technology for “phygital” collaboration

A phygital space provides both technologically advanced tools that facilitate connection and collaboration and makes room for analog experiences for all attendees—remote and in-person—in spaces that promote participation, enable knowledge sharing, encourage collaboration and support the meeting’s goal.

Encompasses holistic well-being

People considerations dominate the direction of the future workplace. Embracing a wide range of styles and voices of employees of different identity groups, and making cultural differences a resource for learning will no doubt improve organizational effectiveness.

Ready for a thriving workplace?

Our team is here
to help you plan a
reimagined workplace.


Burovision Federal Government
Supply Arrangement

Burovision is pleased to
hold an Office Supply
Arrangement in two regions:
National Capital Area and Quebec.

Workspace SA

Montreal Office SA # E60PQ-140003/084/PQ

Ottawa Office SA # E60PQ-140003/085/PQ

Seating SA

Montreal Office SA # E60PQ-120001/071/PQ

Ottawa Office SA # E60PQ-120001/072/PQ

Framery SA

Montreal Office

Ottawa Office

Workspace SA

Montreal Office SA # E60PQ-140003/018/PQ

Ottawa Office SA # E60PQ-140003/018/PQ